Sharing Prompts
How can I share Novelcrafter prompts with other users? Why does it look like a string of random letters?
The Novelcrafter community is full of lots of wonderful creators who have developed their own prompts to use in the interface. This article will go over how to add these prompts to your account, and how to share them with other users.
To copy a prompt that you own
In the prompt hub, go to a prompt that you have made. Click on the action menu on the right-hand side of the prompt, and select copy to clipboard.

To add a prompt from another user
Here is a prompt that you can try out for yourself. It is the snowflake method prompt that has been shown on the Novelcrafter livestreams, adapted from Randy Ingermanson’s methodology.
Snowflake Method Prompt
Learn how to add this prompt to your account here.
Yes, this does look odd, but it will all work out.
To add a copied prompt to your prompt hub, go to prompts -> + new -> create from clipboard.

You can now see the prompt and make your own changes to it.

I pasted the prompt into notion/word/notepad, and it looks like a random string of letters. What is this?
This is intentional! Don’t worry, pasting it in place will return the prompt in its original form. The string of letters and numbers is done to compress the prompt so that you’re not copying and pasting lots of code.
How can I share my prompt/where can I find prompts by other users?
Currently, the best place to find and share prompts is on our discord server. Our community there has been very generous with sharing the prompts they utilise the most.
You can access the server here.
The prompt won’t paste
- If you’re on Chrome, check the right side of your address bar to ensure that you haven’t blocked the clipboard.