The Write Interface
How to use the write interface in novelcrafter.
The write interface in Novelcrafter is where the magic happens. It’s the word processor that is clean and effective, allowing you to focus on your writing with no distractions. The integration with AI is just a bonus. Let’s dive in and explore its key components.
Anatomy of the Write Interface

- Chapter selection and overview
- Format Menu
- Focus Mode
- Action Menu (Act and Chapter scale)
- Scene Summary, details, and action menu
- Beats and Writing
- Click here to add a new scene below
- Codex/Snippet/Chat sidebar (see lesson link here)
- The Prompt Menu
- The “timeline” - it will allow you to jump between scenes. When you highlight a piece of text, you can see a corresponding mark on the timeline.
Format Menu (2)
The format menu allows you to further customise your prose. Here you can change the font type and size, format paragraph spacing and width, and align your text. You can also customise the scene divider aesthetics.

Here you can change the font, text size, line height, text indent, alignment, paragraph spacing, and page width. You can also customise the aesthetics of the scene divider to match your style.

Here you can choose your writing mode, if you want to continue in the same chapter when you switch interfaces, and if you want to use typewriter mode.

These options change how the writing looks on the page.

The statistics affects the data that shows in section (1).
Scene Details (5)
On the right-hand side, you’ll find all the essential details to keep track of where you’re at. You can see your scene data from the plan interface, including the scene number, word count, point of view, and chapter summary. This allows you to keep track of the different parts of your story with no hassle.

The action menu (kebab menu) allows you further customisation with your novel. You can set custom points of views, add subtitles, duplicate your scene and export it.
You can also interact with the AI within this menu, using it to summarise your scenes, detect characters, and “chat” with your scene.
Story Timeline (10)
At the far right of your screen, you have the story timeline. This vertical timeline gives you an overview of your entire story. Each scene has a marker that takes you directly to its location in the manuscript. You can also get a visual overview of your scene distribution, which is helpful for larger novels.
Your current location is highlighted in the timeline for easy access.
Formatting Text
Novelcrafter offers a range of formatting options to make your prose shine. You have the usual options like bold, italics, strike-through and underline, as well as the ability to highlight text in various colours.

AI Tools for Writers
Novelcrafter is equipped with AI tools that can assist you in your writing journey. From scene beats to AI edits, you have a plethora of options at your fingertips. Scene beats help you structure your story, while AI edits provide prompts for expanding, rephrasing, or condensing your text. These features are helpful for discovery writers who want to explore different options.
For further details, see the relevant pages (links to follow)